How To Include A Header File In Dev C++



Jul 16, 2009  Bloodshed Dev-C is a free C compiler and development environment for Windows operating systems. Like most C compilers, it also can be used to compile ANSI C. By installing the GLUT header and library files, it can be used to write programs that use OpenGL. The difference between gets and fgets is that gets uses stdin stream. The gets function provides no support to prevent buffer overflow if large input string are provided. Note: gets was deprecated in C11 and removed from C14. As a rule, I always use.hpp for C header files. It's not uncommon to find a mixture of C and C within a repository, and the difference in filename helps clarify that. It's not uncommon to find a mixture of C and C within a repository, and the difference in filename helps clarify that. Nov 06, 2012  Create Header Files in C profgustin. Unsubscribe from profgustin? How to Include File Guards - Why to Include Fileguards in C or C Header Files - Duration: 6:19. Feb 09, 2018  So I am trying to write header files for functions and data manipulation, but I do not know how to create and integrate header files into my main.cpp. Any clear cut and step by step instructions are welcome. Still very new to C and Dev-C 😊 Thank you. Sent from Mail for Windows 10.

Header files are provided as part of the definition of the MQI, to help you write WebSphere® MQ application programs in the C language. These header files are summarized in the following table. 11 Added in the C11 standard. 14 Added in the C14 standard. 17 Added in the C17 standard. 20 Added in the draft C20 standard. A Deprecated in the C17 standard. B Removed in the draft C20 standard.

Tells the preprocessor to treat the contents of a specified file as if they appear in the source program at the point where the directive appears.


#include 'path-spec'
#include <path-spec>


You can organize constant and macro definitions into include files and then use #include directives to add them to any source file. Include files are also useful for incorporating declarations of external variables and complex data types. The types may be defined and named only once in an include file created for that purpose.

How to include a header file in dev c free

The path-spec is a file name that may optionally be preceded by a directory specification. The file name must name an existing file. The syntax of the path-spec depends on the operating system on which the program is compiled.

For information about how to reference assemblies in a C++ application that's compiled by using /clr, see #using.

Both syntax forms cause that directive to be replaced by the entire contents of the specified include file. The difference between the two forms is the order in which the preprocessor searches for header files when the path is incompletely specified. The following table shows the difference between the two syntax forms.

Syntax FormAction
Quoted formThe preprocessor searches for include files in this order:
1) In the same directory as the file that contains the #include statement.
2) In the directories of the currently opened include files, in the reverse order in which they were opened. The search begins in the directory of the parent include file and continues upward through the directories of any grandparent include files.
3) Along the path that's specified by each /I compiler option.
4) Along the paths that are specified by the INCLUDE environment variable.
Angle-bracket formThe preprocessor searches for include files in this order:
1) Along the path that's specified by each /I compiler option.
2) When compiling occurs on the command line, along the paths that are specified by the INCLUDE environment variable.

The preprocessor stops searching as soon as it finds a file that has the given name. If you enclose a complete, unambiguous path specification for the include file between double quotation marks (' '), the preprocessor searches only that path specification and ignores the standard directories.

If the file name that's enclosed in double quotation marks is an incomplete path specification, the preprocessor first searches the 'parent' file's directory. A parent file is the file that contains the #include directive. For example, if you include a file named file2 in a file named file1, file1 is the parent file.

Include files can be 'nested': An #include directive can appear in a file that's named by another #include directive. For example, file2 could include file3. In this case, file1 would still be the parent of file2, but it would be the 'grandparent' of file3.

When include files are nested and when compiling occurs on the command line, directory searching begins in the directories of the parent file. Then it proceeds through the directories of any grandparent files. That is, searching begins relative to the directory that contains the source that's currently being processed. If the file isn't found, the search moves to directories that are specified by the /I (Additional include directories) compiler option. Finally, the directories that are specified by the INCLUDE environment variable are searched.

From the Visual Studio development environment, the INCLUDE environment variable is ignored. For information about how to set the directories that are searched for include files and library files, see VC++ Directories Property Page.

This example shows file inclusion by using angle brackets:

This example adds the contents of the file named STDIO.H to the source program. The angle brackets cause the preprocessor to search the directories that are specified by the INCLUDE environment variable for STDIO.H, after it searches directories that are specified by the /I compiler option.

The next example shows file inclusion by using the quoted form:

This example adds the contents of the file that's specified by DEFS.H to the source program. The quotation marks mean that the preprocessor first searches the directory that contains the parent source file.

Nesting of include files can continue up to 10 levels. When the nested #include is processed, the preprocessor continues to insert the enclosing include file into the original source file.

Microsoft Specific

To locate includable source files, the preprocessor first searches the directories that are specified by the /I compiler option. If the /I option isn't present, or if it fails, the preprocessor uses the INCLUDE environment variable to find any include files within angle brackets. The INCLUDE environment variable and /I compiler option can contain multiple paths, separated by semicolons (;). If more than one directory appears as part of the /I option or within the INCLUDE environment variable, the preprocessor searches them in the order in which they appear.

For example, the command


causes the preprocessor to search the directory D:MSVCINCLUDE for include files such as STDIO.H. The commands

have the same effect. If both sets of searches fail, a fatal compiler error is generated.

If the file name is fully specified for an include file that has a path that includes a colon (for example, F:MSVCSPECIALINCLTEST.H), the preprocessor follows the path.

For include files that are specified as #include 'path-spec', directory searching begins with the directory of the parent file and then proceeds through the directories of any grandparent files. That is, searching begins relative to the directory that contains the source file that contains the #include directive that's being processed. If there is no grandparent file and the file has not been found, the search continues as if the file name were enclosed in angle brackets.

END Microsoft Specific

See also

Preprocessor directives
/I (Additional include directories)


Header files for the C++ standard library and extensions, by category.

Headers by category

Algorithms<algorithm>, <cstdlib>, <numeric>
Atomic operations<atomic>11
C library wrappers<cassert>, <ccomplex>11 a b, <cctype>, <cerrno>, <cfenv>11, <cfloat>, <cinttypes>11, <ciso646>b, <climits>, <clocale>, <cmath>, <csetjmp>, <csignal>, <cstdalign>11 a b, <cstdarg>, <cstdbool>11 a b, <cstddef>, <cstdint>11, <cstdio>, <cstdlib>, <cstring>, <ctgmath>11 a b, <ctime>, <cuchar>11, <cwchar>, <cwctype>
Sequence containers<array>11, <deque>, <forward_list>11, <list>, <vector>
Ordered associative containers<map>, <set>
Unordered associative containers<unordered_map>11, <unordered_set>11
Container adaptors<queue>, <stack>
Container views<span>20
Errors and exception handling<cassert>, <exception>, <stdexcept>, <system_error>11
General utilities<any>17, <bitset>, <charconv>17, <cstdlib>, <execution>17, <functional>, <memory>, <memory_resource>17, <optional>17, <ratio>11, <scoped_allocator>11, <tuple>11, <type_traits>11, <typeindex>11, <utility>, <variant>17
I/O and formatting<cinttypes>11, <cstdio>, <filesystem>17, <fstream>, <iomanip>, <ios>, <iosfwd>, <iostream>, <istream>, <ostream>, <sstream>, <streambuf>, <strstream>c, <syncstream>20
Language support<cfloat>, <climits>, <codecvt>11 a, <compare>20, <contract>20, <coroutine>20, <csetjmp>, <csignal>, <cstdarg>, <cstddef>, <cstdint>11, <cstdlib>, <exception>, <initializer_list>11, <limits>, <new>, <typeinfo>, <version>20
Localization<clocale>, <codecvt>11 a, <cvt/wbuffer>, <cvt/wstring>, <locale>
Math and numerics<bit>20, <cfenv>11, <cmath>, <complex>, <cstdlib>, <limits>, <numeric>, <random>11, <ratio>11, <valarray>
Memory management<allocators>, <memory>, <memory_resource>17, <new>, <scoped_allocator>11
Multithreading<atomic>11, <condition_variable>11, <future>11, <mutex>11, <shared_mutex>14, <thread>11
Regular expressions<regex>11
Strings and character data<cctype>, <cstdlib>, <cstring>, <cuchar>11, <cwchar>, <cwctype>, <regex>11, <string>, <string_view>17
Time<chrono>11, <ctime>

Creating Header File C

11 Added in the C++11 standard.
14 Added in the C++14 standard.
17 Added in the C++17 standard.
20 Added in the draft C++20 standard.
a Deprecated in the C++17 standard.
b Removed in the draft C++20 standard.
c Deprecated in the C++98 standard.

C library wrappers<cassert>, <cctype>, <cerrno>, <cfenv>, <cfloat>, <cinttypes>, <ciso646>, <climits>, <clocale>, <cmath>, <csetjmp>, <csignal>, <cstdarg>, <cstdbool>, <cstddef>, <cstdint>, <cstdio>, <cstdlib>, <cstring>, <ctgmath>, <ctime>, <cwchar>, <cwctype>
Sequence containers<array>, <deque>, <forward_list>, <list>, <vector>
Ordered associative containers<map>, <set>
Unordered associative containers<unordered_map>, <unordered_set>
Adaptor containers<queue>, <stack>
Errors and exception handling<exception>, <stdexcept>, <system_error>
I/O and formatting<filesystem>, <fstream>, <iomanip>, <ios>, <iosfwd>, <iostream>, <istream>, <ostream>, <sstream>, <streambuf>, <strstream>
Localization<codecvt>, <cvt/wbuffer>, <cvt/wstring>, <locale>
Math and numerics<complex>, <limits>, <numeric>, <random>, <ratio>, <valarray>
Memory Management<allocators>, <memory>, <new>, <scoped_allocator>
Multithreading<atomic>, <condition_variable>, <future>, <mutex>, <shared_mutex>, <thread>
Other utilities<bitset>, <chrono>, <functional>, <initializer_list>, <tuple>, <type_traits>, <typeinfo>, <typeindex>, <utility>
Strings and character data<regex>, <string>, <string_view>

See also

Create Header File In C

Using C++ library headers
C++ standard library